Mudroom Magic: How Lockers Can Transform Your Entryway

One thing that is super important to remember is that your house should serve your needs, no-one else. I built this mudroom 3 years ago and it’s beautiful. It works great still, and is in great shape. It has served our family very well. However, it’s not working for us anymore, so we are changing it, and that’s ok. Our mudroom lockers were open, so you could see all the mess, I wanted something cleaner and larger, so w e are ripping it all out and starting over! The best thing about it, is I can reuse a lot of these materials again, so it’s not all going to waste.
Mudroom Lockers Supplies:
2×4’s – enough to create your base
Ikea Pax Units
Trim and wood of choice.
Step 1: Demo Existing Mudroom Lockers
Because I plan to reuse a lot of this material, I took it apart carefully. I built this, so I know that it is put together with nails, so I can simply score the caulk and then pry it apart. If was also held together with glue, it would not be that easy to do.
Step 2: Build the Base
Remember this tip… anytime you want to make something look built in, build a base so you can put baseboard around it. Instant built it!
Decide how big you need your base to be. Grab some straight 2×4’s and make a square. Add a few additional pieces, evenly spaced out, to act as supports.
Find the studs in your wall and secure it to the wall.
I had to add another layer of wood to the base to raise it up a little more so that the base was the same height as the baseboards. You may or may not need to do this depending on how tall your baseboards are.
Step 3: Assemble the Pax Units
This is the Ikea units I got to use as the base of my mudroom lockers. Once they are assembled it’s important that you secure them to each other and the studs to ensure they do not fall over.
I also added a piece of wood between the wall and the side of the unit. This acts as a bump out so when the door swings open it does not hit the wall and it can open more.
Step 4: Trim
This is where it really starts coming together and looking custom.
On the exposed side of the mudroom lockers, I added a sheet of wood. This makes it easier to paint, and it takes the Ikea units to the next level.
Then, I added 1×2 trim to all the seams, where 2 pieces of wood meet. I was able to re use the trim from the old units here!
I wanted mine to go all the way to the ceiling, so I added some trim here too. Start by adding a 1×2 directly to the studs in the ceiling to give you something to attach the front trim piece to. Then add the front trim to the 1×2 and the front of the unit.
And you have a completely built in unit! We are not done yet, let’s keep moving.
Step 5: Finish work
Do you know those tiny holes on every Ikea unit? They have a great purpose, but I don’t like the way they look, so I like to fill them in. I think it makes the unit look more custom and less Ikea. It’s tedious work, but I think it’s worth it! I fill the holes with this spackle. It is light weight and does not require sanding!
Next up with the finish work is to caulk. Everywhere 2 boards meet, we caulk. It gives it that finished vibe we are going for.
Step 6: Prime and Paint
Ok, listen up! When painting Ikea units (or something that has that plastic-y/shiny finish on it, it is important that you use a shellac or oil based primer. It helps the paint adhere better. This is my favorite primer! Caution – it is stinky. So you may need a mask or to have ventilation when using it.

For the paint I used Iron Ore by Sherwin Williams. I used the multi surface acrylic because it is best for furniture pieces in the eggshell sheen, which is best for darker colors to hide brush lines.
Also, this is my favorite paint brush ever!
Step 7: Wrap up your mudroom lockers!
To pull everything together, I added 2 mesh drawers to each locker. I just followed the instructions that came with the drawers.
I added hooks on the sides of each locker
Put the doors on. These doors came with the hinges. Simply put them on the door first then the locker. Adjust them per the instructions to make sure they are all level with each other.
Add door handles! I used these door handles. Measure where you want them to go, drill a hole and screw them on.
AND GUESS WHAT!? You are done! You did it! I love how our lockers turned out. My favorite part is that the doors hide all the mess behind them!
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