DIY Christmas Porch Sign

I love having a sign on my front porch. I loved the welcome sign I made so much, I knew I would have to make one just for Christmas too! I love how it turned out. Follow my tutorial and you can make one too.
Supplies needed:
- Maple Plywood
- Poplar Wood for the frame
- Black Spray Paint
- White Spray Paint
- Stain-I chose Early American water based stain but you can choose any stain you’d like!
- Painter’s Tape
- Berry Stems and tree picks
- Greenery
- Bow
- Screws
- Pockethole Jig
- Nail Gun
- Brad nails
- JOY letters I couldn’t find the exact ones I used but any wooden letters from a craft store will work.
I started by assembling the porch sign. It was actually two pieces of plywood that I pieced together because it wasn’t as big as I wanted. I just used pocket holes to put them together. There was a seam but I just painted it the right way so you can’t even tell!
Then I stained the entire board. After that, I used painter’s tape to tape it off so I could paint parts of it to disguise the seam. I also cut my poplar board to be the frame around the plywood. I did mitered cuts for the frame and then painted them black. I found JOY letters and painted them black at the same time too. You can find whatever saying you want for your board. There’s so many good options!
After it was stained and taped off, I painted the rest of the sign the colors I wanted. I ended up just using some white spray paint and did white, stain, white for my pattern. Make sure you tape it off really well to avoid overspray. I did not tape mine off well enough and had some overspray I had to fix, but it all turned out fine!
The next step was to attach the frame to the plywood. To do this, I just laid all the pieces flat on the ground and attached it to the plywood. At first, I tried to use my nailer but the nails wouldn’t go all the way in because the poplar wood was so hard. Then I tried using a pockethole jig but it ended up breaking my jig. So I decided to just do pilot holes and use screws. I just painted the screws black to blend in better.
After it is all assembled, you can attached your letters. I decided to use the word JOY for my sign. It was the perfect fit! I used brad nails to attach it to the sign. I also attached some greenery and a large ribbon. I love the way it turned out. Leave me a comment below letting me know what Christmas word you’ll put on your sign!