Christmas Gift Ideas for Teachers
Teachers are amazing. I’m so grateful for all that they do for my children. So I am always on the lookout for the best gifts to give them around the Holidays. I’ve rounded up a few of my favorite Christmas gift ideas for teachers.
1. Gift Cards! Teachers love gift cards. I like to try and find gift cards that I can attach a cute little tag to or that they can use with their family. For an added bonus, most places will mail you the gift card so you don’t even need to leave your house! My favorite gift cards to give are Amazon, Target, and Swig. There are a ton of cute little tags you print off to go with the gift cards. Click here for the free printable Amazon tag.
Side note: if I give the Swig gift card, I like to find a fun cup to attach the tag to.

2. Baked Goods. I know I love me some freshly baked bread or a sweet dessert. If you’re not a baker, try buying some delicious bread or dessert from a nearby bakery. You can find the tag here.

3. Notes of appreciation. I try to always include notes of appreciation from myself and my children in every gift that I give to teachers. Teachers need to feel valued and appreciated. If you don’t have a lot of money to spend, these are great by themselves. If you have some extra money for a gift, try attaching your note of thanks to a gift. Click here for a free thank you note for your kids to fill out!

4. Personalized stationery items. You would not believe how often personalized stationery comes in handy for teachers. They are always writing notes to parents, co-workers, etc… and it’s super cute and helpful to already have their name on it. Personalized stamps are very helpful too for all of those papers they have to grade! You can’t go wrong with anything that has their name on it. Click here for a personalized sticky note holder, here for personalized stationery, and here for personalized stamps!

5. Fun socks! This is something that doesn’t take up a lot of space and it’s fun for teachers to wear socks with cool designs. There are so many cute socks on Amazon. You can go with a Christmas theme or a school theme too! Click here for a free printable tag.

6. Jar of nuts. This is a great option for teachers who may not love candy as much as the rest of us! You can find nuts at just about any grocery store. You can get a big jar or just a little bag too. You could also do a bag of Trail mix! Attach this cute tag and you’re good to go!

7. Snack Gift Basket to keep in the classroom. For the male teachers (and some female teachers too) beef jerky is a great option. Any treat big or small is perfect. You can put the treats in a cute basket and attach a fun tag! Or click here and get it all put together for you!

8. Chocolates. What could be better than some delicious chocolate? They can save it for times at school when they need a sweet treat or take it home and enjoy it over the Holidays. Click here for a cute tag!

9. Teacher Favorites. Have your sweet kiddo ask your teacher for a list of their favorite things (restaurant, treat, drink, color, snack, etc…) Put it all together in a basket and print a cute tag!

10. Favorite School supplies. I hesitate to put this one on there because I don’t always feel like it’s something teachers want. But time and time again, teachers have told me they loved getting the fancy pens and other items they wouldn’t normally spend on themselves. Click here for a link to some of our past teachers’ favorite pens! Add a tag and you’re all set.

I hope this list has given you some great ideas. Good luck with all of your Holiday shopping!