DIY Floating Corner Shelf: Simple Steps to Add Style to Your Space

I recently made over my husbands office. If you missed the first thing I did, go back and check it out HERE. Its the coolest light up accent wall! It is so fun! The other thing I did in that room was made a DIY floating corner shelf. I actually made 2! They were a labor of love, but my husband loved them so it was totally worth it. The shelves were not difficult, but they are big and a bit time consuming to make, but overall not too bad! You can make these yourself. Follow along.
- Common board
- Screws or Nails
- Wood filler
- Wood glue
- Sandpaper
- Stain
- Clear Coat
- Bracket
Tools for DIY Floating Corner Shelf:
DIY Floating Corner Shelf Step 1: Cut and measure
The first thing you are going to do is decide how big you want your shelves. Then, cut the wood to size. You can use a sheet of plywood and rip it down to size on a table saw. However, I wanted the shelves to be about 12 inches deep, so I just got the common board that is already 12 inches so all I had to do was cut it to length. It saved me a little time.
You will need to cut 2 pieces PER SHELF. In my case, because I was making a corner shelf, I cut 2 smaller pieces and 2 larger pieces per shelf. I was making 2 shelves, so I cut 4 smaller and 4 larger. Then miter the ends. Take note of which side of the wood you want exposed and cut accordingly.
Next, you need to cut the side pieces. I made mine about 4 inches tall. So I cut the wood to be 4 inches by the length of the shelf.
Step 2: Assemble
Start by connecting one long piece and one short piece of wood at the 45 degree angles to form the corner. Repeat this for both the top and bottom of each shelf. Because I am making 2 shelves, I did this 4 times. I then added a bead of wood glue to the edge of the 12 inch piece. Secure it to then back of the 4 inch piece with screws, pocket holes or nails. Ensure it lines up evenly.
I decided that I wanted to attach the top to the side with pocket holes. This is not necessary. You can just screw them all together.
Repeat for the second piece of 12 inch to the bottom of the 4 inch piece. You should create a U shape.
Step 3: Wood fill, Sand and Stain
Once everything is secure and dry, its time to “clean it up”. If you will be staining the shelf, you will want to find a wood filler that is similar to the color of your wood. OR you can make your own wood filler. Use wood glue and saw dust from the wood you cut. Mix it together until it forms a paste and use that to fill the holes.
Sand it down with a 200 grit sand paper. Use a cloth to wipe it clean. Make sure there is not extra dust on the shelf.
Now you can stain it!! Make sure to spread the stain in the same direction as the wood grain. Once the stain is dry, I recommend adding a clear coat. I prefer a polyurethane or polycrylic. Apply 1-2 coats.
Step 4: Install the anchors.
You can build your own anchors out of wood, but for this project I got THESE braces from Amazon. I used my long level, to draw a straight line where I wanted the shelf to go. I then used my stud finder, and marked the studs. Then, I used the hardware that came with the anchors and installed them on every stud along the line the shelf would go.
Step 5: Hang the Shelf
The best thing about these anchors, is that you do not have to secure the shelf to them. All you do is slip the shelf over the anchors and you are done. The shelf is super secure and holds a good amount of weight.
Step 6: Decorate DIY Floating Corner Shelf!
This is the fun part! Accessorizing the shelves. I found a few fun things at Home Goods, set up my husbands desk and invited him in to check it out! I think he loved it, so I am calling this project a win!
Follow along for more DIY’s and fun at…