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Creating a Functional Mud Room – Part 2 – Locker Cabinet

When I updated my mudroom from the builder grade mudroom, I split the project in two parts. Part 1 was the Shoe Cabinet, that you can read about HERE. Part 2 is all about the locker cabinet. I say it often, but when doing a large project, split it up into smaller more manageable sections. This helps you not get as overwhelmed and allows you to celebrate wins along the way. If you have not read part 1, do that first. Then come back here for part 2!

Step 1: Build the first locker cabinet

Again, I will not be giving measurements. Measure your space and determine how many lockers you want. Then determine how large each piece of wood needs to be. We will start with the first locker. Cut 2 sides and one back piece. Remember if you do not have a table saw, you can have your local hardware store cut the plywood for you.

To assemble them I used pocket holes on the OUTSIDE of the cabinet, and secured the 3 pieces together to form a U shape.

Once it is assembled, put it in place on the shoe cabinet. I really struggled getting it in place, but I was determined, and finally got it! If you want to see me struggle, watch the video. haha

Step 2: Assemble the remaining cabinets.

Now that the first cabinet is in place, you can begin the next cabinet. Attach the back piece to the first cabinet then put the side on. Repeat for all the cabinets.

Step 3: Install Shelves

If you want to add shelves, you will cut your plywood to size. I used THESE brackets. All you have to do is drill a hole and press them in. Put one on each of the 4 corners and then sit the shelf on top.

Step 4: Add Trim

Time to trim it out and clean it up! I got some 1×3 and installed it with pocket holes at the top of each locker. This will provide stability to the lockers. Then, I added some trim on it to cover it up.

Get some nice 1×2 and install it on all the edges of the lockers and shelves the same way you did on the shoe cabinet. Using a nail gun, nail the trim directly into the raw edges.

Step 5: Finish work

Time to get that wood filler and caulk out and do all the finish work. Yes, it will take a while, it is a pain and it will make you question your life choices… but it is totally worth it!

Once it is all wood filled and caulked, sand everything down.

Step 6: Primer and paint

Remember that every time you paint raw wood, you need to prime it first! This is my favorite primer. Put one coat of primer on, then sand it with 220 grit sandpaper and put another coat of primer. You will also need 2 coats of paint.

Instead of painting the top of the shoe cabinet, I stained it.

Step 7: Install Hardware and complete the locker cabinet

The final step in your locker cabinets is to install the hardware. I used THESE for the drawers and THESE hooks in the lockers.

Here are links to a couple other projects in this mudroom… Light Fixture, Magnetic wall and shelf.

I was so proud of these lockers! It was exactly what I envisioned. Is it perfect? Nope. But I made it, and that I am so proud of!

Follow along for more DIY’s and fun at…

Locker cabinet

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