
8 Engaging Activities to Keep Kids Entertained and Happy

Christmas break is upon us… which means the kids will be home from school for 1.5-2 weeks. Depending on where you live, they may also be copped up inside the whole time. So I have put together another list of 8 activities you can do to keep your kids busy and off electronics until school starts again. Also check out these posts about how to keep your kids busy with painters tape, or this one to keep them entertained outside. and these 10 additional screen free activities. Hopefully you can make this break as fun as possible, with minimal effort on your part!

For the first 5 Activities you need PAPER! Grab a big pack of construction paper, and you will be set!

8 activities

Activity #1. Scissor Practice.

Draw different lines on paper and have them cut on the lines. If you give them lots of praise and encouragement, it will last longer as they gain confidence 🙂 Depending on how old your kids are, this may be so fun for them. If you want to get crazy, get some of the cool scrapbook scissors, and let them use those too. What kid doesn’t like cutting papers, plus you help them gain fine motor skills. Look at you winning at the parent thing!

2. Notes to Friends.

Have your kids write friends letters and mail them. Who does not like getting snail mail, especially kids getting letters from their friends during Christmas Break when they may be missing their friends.

Bonus- going on walks to the mail box to mail letters are a good opportunity to get outside, even if it is cold.

3. Paper Hop.

This one has lots of different variations. Tape different colored paper down and call out the colors they can hop to. If you don’t have colored paper, just color on white paper OR draw shapes and have them hop to shapes. You can do colors, letters, numbers… customize it any way you want! We also liked saying things like, “sit” or “stomp” or “kneel” or “put your hand on” each color. 

Another fun idea is homemade Twister. Teaches kids right from left and balance! Plus they have so much fun doing it.

4. Paper Airplanes Activity

This one doesn’t need much explanation, but you can fold paper airplanes in so many different ways. Just Google it and you will find hundreds of ideas. I like this tutorial.

Once you have your airplanes, the kids can toss it from different places to see how far it can fly. Maybe even experiment on how to make the airplane fly farther. Different ways to fold it, adding paperclips or tape, etc. So fun and so easy!

8 activities
8 activities

5. Paper Helicopters.

This one works best if you have a balcony or something you can drop them from. Not only do they love watching the helicopters fall to the ground, but they also get worn out by running up and down the stairs.

Here is a good tutorial on how to make a helicopter. OR see the picture with the template.

Kids love throwing and dropping these so they can watch them spin!

6. Toothpicks and Marshmallows

Making fun sculptures with toothpicks and marshmallows is a great occupier and a good stem activity. If you don’t want to use marshmallows you can also use grapes, cucumbers, or apples! This could also be a good way to get kids to try some new foods. 👍🏻 .

7. Post-It Numbers

Post its are so great for lots of activities! This activity was adapted between the ages of toddler (preschool) and kindergarten, and you can adjust for any age or level.

For a preschooler, write groups of dots on a piece of paper, then numbers on post it notes. Have them match the right number to the correct number of dots

For a kindergartner, write groups of dots on a piece of paper, then addition equations on the post it notes. Have them match the equations to the group of dots that is the answer to the equation. 

8. Q-tip Painting

This one can get messy. But if you get the washable paint, and pick up a few aprons from the Dollar Tree, or wear an old shirt, clean up is a breeze.

Something about painting with something other than a paint brush, makes the kids think it is a brand new activity that they have never done before and they love it!

8 activities

I hope you are able to use some of these ideas to help keep your kids busy over the Christmas Break! If you try any of them, let me know! I would love to hear about it!

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