DIY Tools 101: The Essential Tools You Can’t DIY Without

Often times people think they could never DIY simply because they do not have all the fancy tools. When you are just starting your DIY journey you don’t know if you will do enough DIY to make the huge investment worth it. I get it. I always get asked a couple of the same questions about tools. So lets address them.
#1 – Which tools are necessary to start my DIY Journey?

I have 3 tools that I think are most important, but 5 I recommend, if you can swing it. That is my cordless drill, circular saw and nail gun. Then the next most important would be a orbital sander and a ladder. I use these tools on almost every project. I could not do this job without them. Are there other tools I would suggest getting? Absolutely, but I would say these 3 are crucial when starting out.
#2 – Which brand is the best?
Here is the thing about this question… there are higher end brands that are actually great. They have all the bells and whistles and are amazing tools. Some are on my wish list to get one day. But the truth is, if you are just starting out, and have no idea if you will even pursue DIY long term, there is no reason to spend hundreds on the high end tools. I have RYOBI tools and they are great, and less expensive. They do the job and I am happy with them. So just get whatever is in your budget, but do not stress about buying the most expensive version just for the name.
#3 – How do you learn how to use the tools?
The simple answer, practice. Noone was proficient in using a tool the first time they picked it up. And that is totally ok. You may mess up a few times when you are first using a tool. There is definitely a learning curve. So embrace it. Take the time to play with the tools, read the manuals, watch YouTube Videos about them. But most importantly, know that the longer you use a tool, the better you will get at using it.
However, what I really recommend, is buying my Tools 101 course, where I break this down so much more!
What other questions do you have regarding tools? Let me know.
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